Búsoli, A.C., & Raga, A. 1997 [Lecaniodiaspis rugosa Hempel, 1900 (Hemiptera, Lecanodiaspididae): new scales on citrus and their occurrence in the citrus region of Itápolis, SP.]. [Abstracts of the Conference held in Salvador, BA, 2 to 7 of March 1997.] Sociedade Entomológica do Brasil/EMBRAPA-CNPMF Salvador 400 pp.

Notes: [Abstracts of the Conference held in Salvador, BA, 2 to 7 of March 1997.] [Original title: [Lecaniodiaspis rugosa Hempel, 1900 (Hemiptera, Lecanodiaspididae): nova cochonilha dos citros com ocorréncia na região citricola de Itápolis, SP.] This species is briefly reviewed and described.