Bjeliš, M., Marušić, S., Jakovčić, M., Popović, L., Bradarić, L., & Jakovljević, I. 2024 The status of Lindingaspis rossi Maskell 1989 (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) from its unwanted introduction in Croatia to date [Status vrste Lindingaspis rossi Maskell 1989 (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) od njezine neželjene introducije u Hrvatsku do danas]. Journal of Central European Agriculture


  • biology
  • distribution
  • history
  • host
  • illustration
  • morphology
  • Notes: The aim of this research is to show the historical spread of L. rossi on the island of Brač with a presentation of the confirmed host plants and to give an overview of the available measures to prevent the pest from further spreading and control.

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