Balikai, R.A. 1999b Management of grapevine mealybug, Maconellicoccus hirsutus (Green).. Insect Environment 4(4): 149.

Notes: Management of mealybug on grapes was studied in farmers' fields at Tikota, Karnataka, following application of treatments during the first 2 weeks of Nov., when average mealybug population was 3.81 colonies/vine. Treatments were: Padan [cartap hydrochloride] at 50 g/vine; phorate at 50 g/vine; Lannate [methomyl] at 3 ml/L; dichlorvos at 2 ml; neem (Azadirachta indica) seed extract at 5%; disturbing with toothbrush followed by spraying with dichlorvos at 2 ml; and an untreated control. At 30 and 60 days after treatment (DAT), all treatments were superior to the untreated control. Mealybug populations were lowest (1.17 and 5.9/vine at 30 and 60 DAT, resp.) on grapes disturbed with a toothbrush and then sprayed with dichlorvos.