Alexandrakis, V. 1981 Essai d'appreciation des degats provoques sur oranger en Crete par la presence d'Aonidiella aurantii (Mask). [An attempt for discrimination of the damages on orange trees due to Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.) (Hom. Diaspididae) in Crete.]. Bulletin SROP 4(2): 12-25.

Notes: [Working Group 'Biological control of citrus scale insects and aleurodids'. Meeting in Valencia (Spain) 11-13 March 1980. (Foreign Title: Groupe de Travail 'Lutte biologique contre les cochenilles et les aleurodes des agrumes'. Reunion de Valencia (Espagne) 11-13 mars 1980.) Corporate Author: International Organization for Biological Control of noxious animals and plants. Organisation Internationale de Lutte Biologique contre les animaux et les plantes nuisibles.] Observations that were done on a certain population of A. aurantii in a field in Crete proved the economic importance of this scale. The presence of this scale on the vegetative parts of the tree does not cause any serious defoliation or fruitfall, but it is responsible for the lessening of the tree growth which was observed at densities of more than 6,6 shields per leave. At scale densities of more than 150 per fruit a weight loss was observed up to 20% in cases of severe attack.