Abou-Elkhair, S.S, Abou-Elkhair, K.S., Elsettawy, A.A., & Sami, M. 1997 Effect of potassium and va-mycorrhizae on the infestation by the soft scale insect (Pulvinaria psidii Mask) and growth of Schinus terebenthifolius seedlings.. Proceedings of the XI World Forestry Congress 1: 205.

Notes: [Conference held on 13-22 October 1997, Antalya.] The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of potassium on the growth of Schinus terebenthifolius seedlings, mineral contents, infestation of leaves with the soft scale insect (Pulvinaria psidii Mask), ovisac size and fecundity.