Abdukadirova, Z., Isaqov, I.B., Qaxxorova, H.R., Saidjaxonova, D.A., & Rogojnikova, O.A. 2023 Некоторые насекомые фисташки в адырных и предгорных регионах Андижана [Some pistachio insects in the adyr and foothill regions of Andijan]. Инновационные основы сельскохозяйственных и биоэкологических исследовании в Регионе Приаралья [Innovative foundations of agricultural and bioecological research in the Aral Sea region] Karakalpak State University Nukus


  • distribution
  • economic importance
  • host
  • Notes: [We began to study the distribution issues and biological characteristics of harmful insects of pistachio, in 2020-2022, in the adir and peregrine zones of the Andijan region.]

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