Valid Names Results
Thecatosoma Takagi, 2022 (
Nomenclatural History
- Thecatosoma
2022: 30.
Type species: Thecatosoma caudatum Takagi
by original designation
accepted valid name
- Systematics: This genus belongs to the tribe Diaspidini, and is closely related to the genus Unaspis MacGillivray, 1921. (Takagi, 2022) Thecatosoma is very similar to Unaspis. T.auriculatum in the pre-thecate state of the adult female is even undistinguishable from Unaspis and, in addition, finds a very similar species in Unaspis. These facts suggest the possibility that Thecatosoma is not a distinct genus but an aggregate of thecate forms of Unaspis, these forms being not necessarily closely related to each other. However, Thecatosoma as represented by the five species has the morphological variation much broader than in Unaspis in spite of the much fewer species. (Takagi, 2022)
- Structure: The pre-thecate body is fusiform, with the prepygidialpostsomatic segments well lobed laterally. In the process of growth, the body and especially the meso- and metathorax become elongated; the cephalothorax thus elongated and the first abdominal segment gradually change in outline and sclerotization, and ultimately form a coalescent structure or theca. The completed theca is shaped like an elongate sheath with parallel or subparallel lateral margins, with no trace of the segmental lobes, and heavily sclerotized on the dorsal surface. (Takagi, 2022) In the five species referred to the genus, the full-grown adult female is coated with a pale wax cover, which is a size larger than the body and so thin as to show the dark-coloured theca through it. (Takagi, 2022)
- Biology: The thecate mode of life is very rare so far. (Takagi 2022)
- General Remarks: Detailed description and illustrations in Takagi 2022.
Associated References
5 Species