Valid Names Results
Pseudochermes Nitsche, 1895 (
Nomenclatural History
- Pseudochermes
1895: 1247-1249.
Type species: Chermes fraxini Kaltenbach
by original designation
accepted valid name
- Apterococcus
1898: 97.
Type species: Ripersia fraxini Newstead
by monotypy and original designation
junior synonym
(discovered by Lindin1937: 179, 185)
- Systematics: Generic characteristics that distinguish this genus from all other eriococcids are: anal ring crescent shaped; frontal tubercles present; dorsal setae slightly enlarged posteriorly; multilocular pores present on dorsum (Williams, 1985h).
The nearest genus to Pseudochermes seems the Rhopalotococcus Williams, 2007 from New Caledonia by having only one pair of setae on basal segment of labium or basal segment not developed.In Palaearctic Region the Borchseniococcus Kayden and Kozár, 2008 and Hispaniococcus are similar to Pseudochermes by sclerotized and reduced anal ring, not well developed anal lobes, and by the presence of frontal tubercles. Both genera differ by two pairs of setae on the basal segment of the labium. In Kozár, et al., 2013 Pseudochermes was placed in the family Cryptococcidae Kosztarab, 1967.
- Structure: Slide-mounted body oval or almost circular; posterior end of body rounded, without recognisable anal lobes but with normal apical setae. Suranal setae normal. Antennae each with 6 segments. Labium short, basal segment with a single pair of setae. Stylet loop much longer than body. Legs well developed and robust; hind coxa with a group of translucent pores, claw with a denticle. Dorsal setae short, narrow but spine-like, slightly enlarged posteriorly. Macrotubular ducts present on both surfaces. Microducts slender and elongate, with simple orifice. Spiracles each with 1–3 associated quinquelocular disc-pores. Anal ring crescentic (open anteriorly), bearing 6 stout setae and pores. Anal tube well developed, sclerotized. Quinquelocular pores present on both surfaces. Cruciform pores absent (Moghaddam & Watson 2024).
- MoghadWa2024: pp.104
Adult (F)
[Genera of Cryptococcidae in Iran]
- Hodgso2020: pp.19-22
Adult (M)
[Neococcoid higher taxa]
- Danzig1988: pp.709
Adult (F)
[Pseudochermes species of far East USSR]
- Willia1985h: pp.352
Adult (F)
[Key to genera of British Eriococcidae]
Associated References
- BoratyWi1964:
taxonomy, pp. 92
- Borchs1937:
taxonomy, pp. 40, 58
- Borchs1949:
taxonomy, pp. 43, 322, 365
- Cocker1899a:
taxonomy, pp. 392
- Cocker1899m:
taxonomy, pp. 278
- Danzig1964:
taxonomy, pp. 632, 634
- Danzig1980b:
taxonomy, pp. 231
- Danzig1986:
description, taxonomy, pp. 269
- Danzig1988:
taxonomy, pp. 707, 709
- Fernal1903b:
taxonomy, pp. 114
- Ferris1921b:
taxonomy, pp. 60
- Ferris1922b:
taxonomy, pp. 246
- Ferris1937:
taxonomy, pp. 5
- Ferris1955a:
taxonomy, pp. 178
- Ferris1957c:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 88
- GomezM1937:
taxonomy, pp. 322, 360
- GomezM1948:
taxonomy, pp. 97
- Green1922:
distribution, pp. 345
- Green1922b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 20-21
- Hoy1962:
taxonomy, pp. 13, 201
- Hoy1963:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 187-188
- JudeicNi1895:
taxonomy, pp. 1247-1249
- Kiritc1940:
taxonomy, pp. 123
- Kohler1998:
catalog, distribution, taxonomy, pp. 394-395
- KosztaKo1978:
taxonomy, pp. 67
- KosztaKo1988F:
distribution, taxonomy, pp. 272
- Koteja1974:
taxonomy, pp. 295
- Koteja1974b:
taxonomy, pp. 78
- KotejaZa1981:
taxonomy, pp. 502
- Kozar2009:
distribution, host, pp. 111
- KozarKaKo2013:
description, distribution, host, taxonomy, pp. 607-609
- KozarKaKo2013:
description, distribution, host, illustration, structure, taxonomy, pp. 608-615
- KozarKo2008a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 247-250
- KozarWa1985:
catalog, distribution, pp. 75
- Lindin1908:
taxonomy, pp. 94
- Lindin1933:
description, taxonomy, pp. 31
- Lindin1937:
taxonomy, pp. 179, 185, 194
- MacGil1921:
taxonomy, pp. 129
- MillerGi2000:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 443
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 164
- Newste1898:
taxonomy, pp. 97
- Newste1903:
description, taxonomy, pp. 209-210
- Nitsch1895:
description, taxonomy, pp. 1247-1249
- Schmut1952:
taxonomy, pp. 418
- Sulc1912:
taxonomy, pp. 33
- Terezn1981:
taxonomy, pp. 13, 58
- Willia1985h:
taxonomy, pp. 385-386
- Willia2007a:
structure, pp. 1357
- Zahrad1959a:
taxonomy, pp. 539
3 Species