Valid Names Results
Pauroaspis Tang, 1995 (
Nomenclatural History
- Pauroaspis
1995: 326.
Type species: Asterolecanium ceriferum ceriferum Green
by monotypy and original designation
accepted valid name
- Systematics: Summary of differences between Pauroaspis, Bambusaspis Cockerell, 1902, Forticauda Gavrilov-Zimin, 2019, Hsuia Ferris, 1950, Liuaspis Borchsenius, 1960 and Wuelagatis, Jian & Xing, 2022, all parasitic on bamboo, in Li & Wu (2025).
- Structure: Body elongate oval to nearly circular. Antennae small, one segmented, bearing both short and long setae. Labium without setae. Thoracic spiracles present. Dorsal tube situated at posterior end of abdomen. Anal lobes absent, apical setae degenerate. Anal apparatus reduced, anal tube short and small, anal ring without pores, with two short setae at most. Body margin with ventral rows of 8-shaped pores and quinquelocular pores, row of discoidal pores present or absent. Tubular ducts long, slender, densely distributed across dorsum, absent from posterior dorsum. Both large and minute 8-shaped pores present or absent, discoidal pores present. Ventral multilocular disc-pores often absent, if present then arranged in transverse rows across some abdominal segments near vulva, a few replaced by large quinquelocular pores. Dark-rimmed 8-shaped pores absent or distributed over venter of abdomen and near labium. Submarginal 8-shaped pores present or absent. Ventral tubular duct present or absent. (Li & Wu 2025)
- General Remarks: Definition and characters by Tang & Hao (1995).
Associated References
8 Species