Valid Names Results
Ericerus Guérin-Méneville, 1858 (
Nomenclatural History
- Coccus (Ericerus)
1858: lxvii.
Type species: Coccus pela Chavannes
by monotypy
accepted valid name
Notes: Type species was originally listed as Cocccus ceriferus Fabricius (in the sense of Anderson) but this was a misidentification of Coccus pela Chavannes, 1847. (see Morrison & Morrison, 1966)
- Pela
Targioni Tozzetti
1866: 140.
Type species: Pela cerifera Targioni Tozzetti
by monotypy and original designation
junior synonym
(discovered by Fernal1903b: 146)
- Curycerus
Targioni Tozzetti
1867: 19;.
misspelling of genus name
- Eurycerus
Targioni Tozzetti
1867: 19;.
misspelling of genus name
- Ericerus
Guérin-Méneville, 1858;
Targioni Tozzetti
1868: 729.
change in status (level)
- Eriocerus
1893: 91;.
misspelling of genus name
- Systematics: Subfamily: Eulecaniinae. Tribe: Eulecaniini. Pela Targioni Tozzetti, 1866, was proposed in the binomen Pela cerifera as a substitute for Coccus pela Westwood. Pela is an isogenotypic synonym of Ericerus.
- Structure: Live adult female broadly oval to circular, becoming roughly hemispherical with age. Slide-mounted, body with shallow stigmatic clefts; characterized by having the following combination of characters: (i) up to 6 stigmatic spines in each stigmatic cleft, and (ii) numerous dorsal tubular ducts except in the area covered by preopercular pores. Pregenital disc-pores each with 10 loculi, present on all abdominal and thoracic segments, also lateral to antennal bases. Spiracular disc-pores each with 5 loculi, present in band between each spiracle and margin. Preopercular pores present in a scattered group anterior to anal plates, extending onto thorax. Dorsal tubular ducts numerous, except in area containing preopercular pores. Anal cleft of moderate depth. Legs well developed, each without a tibio-tarsal articulatory sclerosis; claw digitules both slender. Antennae usually each with 6 or 7 segments (Moghaddam & Watson 2024).
- General Remarks: Definition and characters given by Danzig (1980a) and by Hodgson (1994a).
Described by Ferris (1950a).
- MoghadWa2024: pp.36
Adult (F)
[Genera of Coccidae in Iran]
Associated References
- Ashmea1891:
taxonomy, pp. 100
- BenDov1993:
catalog, pp. 109
- Cocker1894v:
taxonomy, pp.
- Danzig1967:
description, taxonomy, pp. 167
- Danzig1980b:
description, taxonomy, pp. 285
- Danzig1988:
description, taxonomy, pp. 717
- DeLott1971:
taxonomy, pp. 146
- Fernal1903b:
pp. 146
- Ferris1950a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 72
- Guerin1858:
description, taxonomy, pp. lxvii
- Hodgso1994a:
description, taxonomy, pp. 235-237
- Kawai1980:
description, taxonomy, pp. 165-166
- MorrisMo1966:
taxonomy, pp. 52,68,75,150
- Paik1978:
description, taxonomy, pp.
- Signor1874:
description, taxonomy, pp. 90-91
- Tang1991:
description, taxonomy, pp. 152-153
- Tao1999:
taxonomy, pp. 56
- Targio1866:
description, taxonomy, pp. 140
- Targio1867:
taxonomy, pp. 19,41
- Targio1868:
description, taxonomy, pp. 729
- Wang1980:
description, taxonomy, pp. 49
- WilliaBe2009:
catalog, taxonomy, pp. 16
- Yang1982:
description, taxonomy, pp. 171
2 Species